The G permit is a work permit for people who want to work in Switzerland, and who are resident in a neighboring country at least once a week. However, what are the requirements for a G license?
The French and Germans are the main holders of G permits in Switzerland. However, European workers (EU-25 EFTA) who work less than three months per year can request the registration procedure. This procedure is not open in the case of hiring an EU-2 worker. However, if the activity is longer than 3 months, an application for a work permit must be made.
In order to obtain approval for the recruitment of a cross-border worker, the company must send the completed form, signed by both the future employee and the employer, to the Service des Étrangers (SE). This form, along with the required documents, is the materialization of the future employee’s commitment.
A proof of employment is the main authorization on the ability of a cross-border commuter to work in the Swiss territory. Living in the region for six months is no longer a prerequisite for obtaining a border permit. The border zones have been abolished since June 1, 2007for the nationals of the 25 EU member states; in this case, a border worker from these states can reside in his own country while enjoying his work in Switzerland.
The duration of the authorization: lasts from one to five years for a permanent contract (C.D.I.) and slightly more than 12 months for contracts of less than one year. The validity of the permission varies according to the duration of the contract.
The Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (OAS), which is the fundamental basis of the Swiss social security system, the Disability Insurance (DI), the Loss of Earnings Allowance (LOE), the Family Allowance, the Maternity Insurance and the Occupational Pension are the main social insurances and covers in Switzerland. The employee can benefit from these insurances if he works in Switzerland. Cross-border commuters are also insured in Switzerland with regard to occupational accident insurance.
The taxation of cross-border workers is defined by the Franco-Swiss tax treaty of September 9, 1966. A cross-border worker working in the canton of Geneva is taxed at source.
The G permit is an authorization that facilitates the recruitment of people living in the country’s surroundings. These recruitments allow the company to increase its turnover, to share the experience of the company’s organization with people.
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