Business set-up
Company set-up
Business advice
Tax advice
Company domiciliation
Salaries and HR
Legal forms
The two types of legal forms
Sole proprietorship and partnerships
The sole proprietorship
A Limited Partnership
Limited company (LTD)
General partnership
The Limited Liability Company (SÀRL)
Comparison between LTD and LLC
The branch
Which legal form ?
Advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship vs. LTD and LLC
What is a partnership contract?
Company set-up
Steps to create a company
Creating a company in Geneva : the fees
Fees for the set-up of a LTD and LLC
Contacts to help you with the creation of a company
Hiring a foreign employee
Resideny permits
Resideny permits from third countries
Free movement of people
Work permits
Cross-border workers
Workers from third countries
Work permits for third-country nationals
Foreigner wishing to work in Switzerland
Acceptance of EU-2 citizens
Duty of a foreign employee and work permit
Employees of foreign companies for less than 90 days
Work over 90 days for foreign workers
Application for a residency permit
Application for self-employment
Premises for your business
How to rent premises?
The rent guarantee
The goodwill
How to find business premises?
Obtaining a commercial lease
Buying commercial premises
Type of business premises
Authorization to build
Swiss Accounting
The Swiss income statement
The structure of the balance sheet
Type of control
Swiss taxation
The different types of taxes
Tax on the net profit of companies
Tax on reserves and capital
Tax on profit distributions – withholding tax
Tax on the set-up of a company
Foreign income
New companies according to specific economic promotion measures
Holding companies and auxiliary companies in Switzerland
Tax on acquisitions
JEDI status in Switzerland
Persons subject to income tax
Taxable income and tax rate in Switzerland
Value Added Tax in Switzerland
Swiss municipal business tax
Wealth and capital gains tax on real estate
Business set-up
Company set-up
Business advice
Tax advice
Company domiciliation
Salaries and HR
Legal forms
The two types of legal forms
Sole proprietorship and partnerships
The sole proprietorship
A Limited Partnership
Limited company (LTD)
General partnership
The Limited Liability Company (SÀRL)
Comparison between LTD and LLC
The branch
Which legal form ?
Advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship vs. LTD and LLC
What is a partnership contract?
Company set-up
Steps to create a company
Creating a company in Geneva : the fees
Fees for the set-up of a LTD and LLC
Contacts to help you with the creation of a company
Hiring a foreign employee
Resideny permits
Resideny permits from third countries
Free movement of people
Work permits
Cross-border workers
Workers from third countries
Work permits for third-country nationals
Foreigner wishing to work in Switzerland
Acceptance of EU-2 citizens
Duty of a foreign employee and work permit
Employees of foreign companies for less than 90 days
Work over 90 days for foreign workers
Application for a residency permit
Application for self-employment
Premises for your business
How to rent premises?
The rent guarantee
The goodwill
How to find business premises?
Obtaining a commercial lease
Buying commercial premises
Type of business premises
Authorization to build
Swiss Accounting
The Swiss income statement
The structure of the balance sheet
Type of control
Swiss taxation
The different types of taxes
Tax on the net profit of companies
Tax on reserves and capital
Tax on profit distributions – withholding tax
Tax on the set-up of a company
Foreign income
New companies according to specific economic promotion measures
Holding companies and auxiliary companies in Switzerland
Tax on acquisitions
JEDI status in Switzerland
Persons subject to income tax
Taxable income and tax rate in Switzerland
Value Added Tax in Switzerland
Swiss municipal business tax
Wealth and capital gains tax on real estate
Legal information